Thursday, October 20, 2022

Monique's Story: The Ad MLG Is Terrified Voters Will See

The Democrats are now losing ground in the polls as we are only a few weeks away from Election Day. They have been hammered hard over the rise in crime and their policies of catch & release, defunding police, soft on crime prosecutors, non-prosecution, early releases and the list goes on.

It is even hitting home in New Mexico.

The Ad MLG Is Terrified Voters Will See. That's according to the Mark Ronchetti campaign for governor of New Mexico. It is easy to see why.

According to an email I received yesterday evening:

MLG thought she was getting away with it. But the tragic murder of one innocent mom – Monique Gonzales – and her family’s courage to speak out threatens to crystalize this issue with New Mexicans and MLG knows it. She is desperate to make sure Monique’s story is not heard. 

Monique’s grandparents, who raised her, have courageously stepped forward to tell Monique’s story and hold the governor accountable for her early release policies in this new commercial:

It’s critical that voters see this TV ad. Why? Because MLG will continue to lie about this case and she’ll find allies in the media who will ignore the facts and do her bidding.

Here’s the truth – MLG took office with the clear goal of emptying our prisons. She appointed liberals to run the parole board and corrections to accomplish this goal, and the prison population has been reduced 26% since she took office. Those criminals who are back on the streets and included murderer Chris Beltran.

  • MLG first released Beltran early on September 28, 2020 when she commuted his sentence as part of her COVID early release order.

  • Beltran immediately absconded from parole on October 6, 2020, and was finally tracked down and arrested on October 26, 2020, and sent back to prison.

  • Beltran was supposed to serve his court-imposed parole sentence in prison until November 21, 2021. Under state law, Beltran was ineligible for standard “good time” deductions. But that didn’t stop MLG’s administration from doing it anyway.

  • Beltran repeatedly threatened Monique on recorded prison phone calls in the days and weeks prior to his early release. MLG’s pro-criminal administration did nothing about these threats and continued to illegally give Beltran “good time.” 

  •  Ignoring state law, MLG’s administration illegally released Beltran early again --- nearly 5 months early --- on June 22, 2021.

  • Just like he threatened on the recorded prison phone calls, Beltran hunted Monique down and murdered her 4 days after MLG’s administration illegal released him early on June 26, 2021.

 Here's the ad:

So the ad can be shown on television, contribute to the Ronchetti campaign by going here.

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