Monday, October 3, 2022

New Mexico Shooting Sports Association Backs Ronchetti

The New Mexico Shooting Sports Association backs Mark Ronchetti.

From an email I received this morning:

Mark Ronchetti lives in Albuquerque, where he and his wife, Krysty, are raising two young daughters. A proud New Mexican, Mark, and Krysty want their children to be able to chase and realize their boldest dreams – right here, at home. Krysty is a small business owner, and the two of them have seen first-hand how the challenging business climate in New Mexico holds the state back. As parents to two daughters, they’ve also seen the flawed education system and the non-existent mental health support and how it’s failing kids in New Mexico.
One of five children himself, Mark was raised by two loving parents. His father is a first-generation American who becameMeet Man electrical engineer, and his grandfather came to the United States from Italy in the 1920’s unable to read or write. Throughout Mark’s childhood, his family impressed upon him that the promise of the American Dream is what makes the United States a truly great and unique country. Following the news was important, and there was no shortage of political conversations and disagreements around their (often loud) Italian family’s dinner table.
He learned – and still believes – that America offers extraordinary opportunities to anyone who works hard in pursuit of their dreams and affords each generation the chance to make life better for the next one… just as his parents and grandparents had done for him and his brothers and sisters.  
Mark graduated from Washington State University in 1996. After a stint working at a television station in Colorado, he moved to New Mexico in 1998 to work for a local station in Albuquerque. He became a certified meteorologist and became the Chief Meteorologist for Albuquerque’s CBS and FOX affiliates. Mark has had a successful career and has enjoyed the opportunity and privilege to talk with viewers across the state each night. 
Like many, Mark believes that elected leaders in New Mexico too often put politics ahead of the people they represent. Mark is running for Governor because he believes the people of New Mexico are ready for change. Mediocrity is no longer an option. For too long, the leaders in this state haven’t taken crime seriously. Mark will ensure a justice system that works and prioritizes law-abiding citizens over criminals. He will give police officers every tool they need to keep the people of New Mexico safe.
Mark will dedicate the resources necessary to secure New Mexico’s southern border from human trafficking, the drug trade, and gangs. Additionally, he will focus on lifting up our small business community and making New Mexico a more attractive destination for out-of-state companies looking to relocate. Mark promises to make real education reform happen by focusing on core subjects, rewarding good teachers, more school choices and opportunities for parents, and additional money directly into the classroom.
New Mexico spends almost $2 billion more dollars annually than it did when Governor Grisham took office. But what do we have to show for it? Are New Mexicans any better off today? Mark is tired of the excuses and the business as usual from Santa Fe politicians who worry more about power than doing what’s right for the people.

Mark is ready to bring new leadership to New Mexico. Mark is a conservative who believes that taxes should be low and 2nd amendment rights should be protected. As a proud political outsider, he says New Mexico deserves a governor who has not been part of the self-dealing culture in Santa Fe that only seems to benefit the powerful few while leaving the rest of the state behind. As Governor, he will work hard to represent all New Mexicans.
Mark grew up with strong Catholic faith, he is pro-life, and his family attends Sagebrush Church in Albuquerque. He says his faith is the indispensable foundation of his life.

Mark and his family enjoy spending time in the beautiful New Mexico outdoors. They like to hike, bike, camp, and ski, and their two huskies, Maverick and Scout, are never far behind.

As our next Governor, Mark will take his pragmatic outsider perspective to Santa Fe and always prioritize the future of New Mexico families – and the protection of the American Dream for every child – above all else.

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