Saturday, October 1, 2022

Piñon Post: Ronchetti "Clobbers" Lujan Grisham In Debate

Since I had out-of-state visitors last evening, I was not able to watch last night's debate between Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and Mark Ronchetti live. However, I did watch it after I got home on YouTube (thanks KOB 4 for making it available).

The debate ran the gamut of of issues such as education, crime, economy, job loss, business loss, energy, abortion, immigration/border security, catch & release of criminals, homelessness and other topics. On each topic, Ronchetti presented Lujan Grisham's record of failure effectively.

Lujan Grisham stuck to her talking points and attacked Ronchetti's positions, which he easily deflected and effectively counter-punched. 

John Block at Piñon Post felt Ronchetti "clobbered" Lujan Grisham:

Ronchetti went straight for the jugular in his opening statement, saying, “This governor has been letting out violent criminals.” He said, “If you think the system is broken, she is the head of the system.” 

Regarding education, Ronchetti said, “If you think the education system is broken, this governor is the head of that system.”

“The fact is her 30 years of government experience has her right where we are.”

The debate had a clear winner: Republican Mark Ronchetti, who had a detailed plan on turning the state around while also focusing on kitchen table issues. Lujan Grisham appeared very defensive and hell-bent on swerving many topics to that of abortion while blaming national politics for her failures in office.

Ronchetti did far better in last night's debate against Lujan Grisham than he did during the 2020 senate campaign debate against Ben Ray Lujan. This time, he had an opponent who has a dismal record of failure in office. He was also too nice back then as well. He presented his positions well. That's where his television experience shined through.  

Lujan Grisham feebly attacked Ronchetti for not attending legislative sessions at the Roundhouse. Most of her attacks were feeble.

Another debate between the two will come in two weeks.

To read more, go here.

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