Saturday, October 29, 2022

RV Parks Are No Place For Political Banners...Are They?

RV parks are no place for political banners...are they?

That is the question posed by RV Travel to their readers. First off, this is a free country and it is sad that the question even has to be asked.

I've seen many political signs and banners over the years at campgrounds or RV parks. Even if the sign or banner is in opposition of my own political beliefs, I feel they have every right to express their opinion. I should be accorded the same from them. I have flown political banners at my campsite myself.

The article begins with:

Everyone knows the mid-term elections are near. By now, most voters have made up their minds about who they’ll vote for and why. In fact, many folks may have already voted. Knowing that we’d be away on Voting Day, my husband and I were happy that in Missouri we were able to vote early. (More about voting from your RV here.) With all of that in mind, it was kind of a surprise to see so many political flags and signs in our most recent RV park. We talked about it around the campfire: Should political banners and signs be in RV parks?

To read more, go here (unless you're a snowflake and are easily offended).

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