Monday, October 31, 2022

Will Electric Vehicles Spell Doom For Gas Stations?

The upcoming mid-term elections will be a major factor in whether or not liberal Democrats can be stopped with their bullshit of banning gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles. If they lose big in the upcoming election, their plans could be stopped in their tracks to preserve our lifestyle.

This is why Republicans, and those who want to keep using their vehicles and not be forced to purchase EVs, have to get out and vote those idiots out of office and jettison their "Green New Deal" plans along with them.

RV Travel discusses whether or not electric vehicles will spell doom for gas stations and if we can keep using our RVs, which are huge investments, in the future.

They begin with:

All the buzz about electric vehicles, i.e.,”EVs,” has people talking and speculating about the end of an American institution, the gas station.

RVers can’t help but wonder about the future of their lifestyle as politicians in some states push “Green New Deal” regulations favoring electric vehicles (EVs) and legislation banning gasoline engines.

If gasoline-powered vehicles are banned, what will happen to the gas stations?

It’s a question that would never have crossed the mind of most RVers before California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an Executive Order on September 23, 2020, banning new gasoline engines in the state by 2035. Last week the edict was rubber stamped by the California Air Resources Board, which approved the so-called Advanced Clean Cars II Act. Now, 17 other states have adopted California’s standards under the U.S. federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. §7507).

This is why it is so important for people to get out and vote to stop this insanity. Californians failed to recall Newsom and now are paying the price at the gas pump. The current average price of unleaded regular gasoline is $5.574/gallon.

To read more, go here.

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