Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Are Rally Crowds An Indicator On What Will Happen On Election Day?

Above, last night's Ronchetti campaign rally in Albuquerque. Photo by Ronchetti Twitter post.

Do campaign rally crowds indicate what will take place on Election Day? It's hard to say. 

Last night, GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Ronchetti held a rally that drew a crowd of hundreds, if not a thousand attendees in Albuquerque. In contrast, only a few dozen people attended a rally for Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

The polls have shown statistical ties between the two. It has to be noted that most of them have oversampled Democrats. So the numbers for Ronchetti could possibly be greater in actuality. Once the votes are tabulated, we'll know for sure.

The polling places in the state will open in less than a half hour from now.

We changed the time two days ago, now it's time to change the New Mexico governor. Voters, it's in your hands.

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