Saturday, November 12, 2022

Boondocking At Cracker Barrel Rules

I've been to several Cracker Barrel restaurants over the years, most recently in Albuquerque and Gallup, New Mexico. However, I have never stayed overnight at any of their RV parking areas.

Some Cracker Barrel restaurants allow free overnight RV parking and some don't. It depends upon the management or city ordinances.

If one should come across a Cracker Barrel who does allow overnighting, there's some rules one must abide by and RV Lifestyle has an article listing them.

They begin with:

Most RVers have heard of Wallydocking, which is parking overnight in a Walmart parking lot. It’s a form of “lot docking” that extends to another popular location: Cracker Barrel.

There aren’t nearly as many Cracker Barrels as Walmarts, but with 663 locations in the United States, there’s often one nearby. And the company has always been welcoming to RVers, allowing people to park overnight for free.

Of course, their hospitality should only be expected to extend so far. There are unwritten rules that RVers should abide by to ensure Cracker Barrel’s courtesy continues to be extended to us. 

I’m going to outline those rules for you so you can enjoy what I like to call “Barreldocking” as much as Jennifer and I do.

To read more, go here

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