Monday, November 28, 2022

Classic Rock Music Monday

The stuff that now passes as "music", particularly rock 'n roll, leaves me cold. So, to start off the week, here's a video of a classic rock artist.

Last week, I was thinking about who would be spotlighted on today's Classic Rock Music Monday. I had settled on Fleetwood Mac, but the passing of Irene Cara at 63 last Friday changed all that. So I will have to delay the group's spotlight until next Monday.

I have to confess, I was a fan of hers and was as stunned as many upon hearing the news. I would be remiss to not honor Irene Cara in this week's Classic Rock Music Monday. I just wish it were in happier circumstances. My sincere condolences to her family and friends. 

The video is from the 1983 Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon. Cara performs her hit, "What A Feeling" from Flashdance.

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