Monday, November 21, 2022

Classic Rock Music Monday

The stuff that now passes as "music", particularly rock 'n roll, leaves me cold. So, to start off the week, here's a video of a classic rock artist.

In April 1972, a new single, "School's Out", was released by Alice Cooper upon the world. A couple of months later, the album of the same name was released. In-between, I graduated from high school. I thought at the time about the song, "How appropriate!"

The following year, a friend gave me two tickets for Alice Cooper's concert at The Forum in Inglewood, California. He and his girlfriend were both stuck in having to work on the night of the concert and couldn't go. Until I saw Rush's final concert in 2015, the Alice Cooper concert of their "Billion Dollar Babies" tour was the most entertaining I had attended. It was quite a show. 

Alice Cooper is still active. While looking for an appropriate video for this post, I noticed ads for tickets for an upcoming concert tour. Alice Cooper even made an appearance in Tim Burton's Dark Shadows (2012), causing Barnabas Collins (Johnny Depp) to remark that Cooper was “the ugliest woman I’ve ever seen.”

Here's Alice Cooper with "School's Out":

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