Friday, November 11, 2022

New Mexico Election Results Make No Sense

Many in New Mexico have felt that there was something fishy about New Mexico's election results in the 2020 election. Calls for investigation were made, but nothing was done.

Now we have some 2022 New Mexico election results that make no sense either. This has caught the attention of the Gateway Pundit.

They begin with:

When you look at the map of the 2022 results to date for the US House you would think that New Mexico is a blue state.  However, people who live there say it isn’t so.

The problem in New Mexico is Democrat election corruption similar to the problem in other blue states.

Erin Clements, who worked alongside her husband David Clements and many others in the state to perform election audits in the state of the 2020 Election results said earlier this year:

We have found mountains of red flags in the data and multiple failures on the part of the SOS to ensure the “the purity of elections [to] guard against the abuse of the elective franchise.”

After the midterms she shares:

The 2022 General Election that just transpired shows a continuation of these anomalies and violations of the law. New Mexico can no longer continue to gloss over these issues. They must be dealt with now.

Yes, they should be dealt with now, but nothing likely will. The state is dominated by the corrupt Democrat Party and they have refused to look into complaints in the past. The NM Secretary of  State, Maggie Toulouse Oliver, is a partisan viper who cannot be trusted. We also can't look for a federal investigation either because, as we all know, the federal government is in control of the same corrupt Democrat Party. 

Above, NM SOS Maggie Toulouse Oliver.

The Democrat Party is one thing, but where has the Republican Party of New Mexico been? I haven't heard hardly a peep out of the state party bosses concerning the 2020 election (except a court case on mass mailing of ballots that was ruled illegal) and haven't yet heard anything from them on this year's election.

To read more, go here

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