Monday, November 21, 2022

NM House GOP Elects All New Leadership

Above, the NM State Capitol in Santa Fe. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It is a small wonder that some Republicans in New Mexico are demanding that Chairman Steve Pearce be replaced.

Despite the bumbling of the Democrat Party of New Mexico over the past two years, the New Mexico GOP only picked up one one seat in the NM House. That is a dismal record!

At least the Republican House caucus has cleaned house (pun intended) and elected new leadership over the weekend.

The PiƱon Post reported:

On Saturday, the New Mexico House Republicans elected new leaders of the GOP caucus, propelling three new faces to all of the leadership positions. 

In a surprise move, GOP Caucus Leader Jim Townsend (R-Artesia) decided not to seek a third term in the position, although he will still remain a representative in the New Mexico House. The caucus elected Rep. Ryan Lane (R-Aztec) to succeed him in the vacant position.

House Republicans elected Rep. Jason Harper (R-Rio Rancho) to succeed GOP Whip Rod Montoya (R-Farmington) for the caucus whip position. 

Rep. Gail Armstrong (R-Magdalena) was chosen for the House GOP caucus chair position, succeeding retiring Rep. Rebecca Dow (R-Truth or Consequences), who did not run for reelection and will be leaving the chamber. Republicans now hold 25 seats in the 70-member lower chamber, a net pickup of one seat.

The NMRP needs to follow suit and pick all new leadership.

To read more, go here

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