Friday, November 18, 2022

NO On Phony and Paper Currencies, YES On Precious Metals

Above, the reverse of a Morgan silver dollar (AU grade). Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A post at The Federalist blog yesterday on "The Dangers of a Cashless Society & Solutions" got me to thinking that given the high inflation (Bidenflation) we have now, digital "money", crypto currency and bitcoins, etc. is not the right way to go, but investing in precious metals (gold and silver) as I have been doing is the right way to go.

First of all, gold and silver are tangibles and more stable than paper and phony currencies. Right now, silver is trading at $21.24 per troy ounce. It is a lot more affordable than gold for the average person. Precious metal investing is a great hedge in case other investments go to shit.

SD Bullion has an article on crypto, "How To Lose $15 Billion in Crypto in 10 Days?" which should give one pause about investing in crypto. I suggest reading it! 

It starts with:

Last week, it was impossible not to stop and stare in awe at the still floating but sinking dumpster fire in the cryptocurrency market in 2022. As the second largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, FTX imploded and filed for bankruptcy.

 As The Federalist posted:

I say bring silver and gold coins back for every day transactions. Like crypto, silver and gold coins are untraceable by the corrupt Big Brother Police State.

For thousands of years Men and Women exchanged untraceable gold and silver coins for goods, services and labor.

Digital "money" is all about POWER over others. The last thing the Elites want is a return to a metal based economy where people can conduct their private business privately away from spying by Fascist governments. 

To read more, go here

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