Monday, November 7, 2022

Reports of Voter Intimidation In Otero County

Above, graphic by the ACLU.

Some election officials are already pulling some shenanigans (I could use a stronger term) during early voting in New Mexico. The following is allegedly happening in Otero County.

According to an article in the PiƱon Post:

Tuesday is Election Day, and there are some reports already of voter intimidation during early voting that concluded on Saturday. 

According to elections expert Erin Clements, Otero County Clerk Robin Holmes “is telling her poll workers that if voters want to use their own blue pen to fill out their ballots… to WRITE DOWN THEIR NAMES AND REFER THEM TO THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY,” adding, “That’s  VOTER INTIMIDATION from a public official!”

According to NMSA 1-12-57, “After marking and preparing a paper ballot in a polling place, the voter: A. shall not show it to any person in the polling place in such a way as to reveal its contents; And B. shall feed the paper ballot into the electronic vote tabulator.” 

Therefore, the poll workers should not be able even to know if the individual used a blue or black pen to fill in the ballot.

Let's get one thing straight, voter intimidation is illegal, no matter who is doing it!

To read more, go here


Since I blogged this article earlier today. I looked further into this. One has to wonder just who were the ones complaining. Robin Holmes is a Republican, so it seems odd that she would be trying to intimidate anyone. Intimidation is the Democrat modus operandi, not Republican. Maybe Democrat plants? Just be extra cautious when voting.

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