Saturday, November 19, 2022

Should Republicans of New Mexico Retain Steve Pearce?

On Facebook yesterday, an online petition to New Mexico Republicans asked, "Should Republicans retain Steve Pearce?"

The midterm election was not the "red wave" Republicans were expecting. That goes especially true in New Mexico. Now that it's over, the party faithful want to see a change in the party leadership and are questioning if RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce is up to the job.

You can count me in on that. It is time for fresh leadership and new ideas. Pearce was elected chairman nearly four years ago, following his loss to Lujan Grisham. We need someone who has party-building and organizational skills. Is there even a program for building up Republican voter registration? 

There's an axiom in sports: If the star players aren't performing, you fire the manager. This is the situation Pearce now finds himself in.

Some are even questioning why the party's organizational meeting in Las Cruces is being held next month instead of in January as it normally is:

My question is why us SCC members have to vote on this December 3rd and not in January like we normally do? Is it so that there is less time for viable candidates to throw their name in the hat?

Good question. 

There's at least one candidate for party chairman that I am aware of: Robert Aragon.

The website for the RPNM chairman petition can be found at the StopMLG website by going here.

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