Sunday, November 27, 2022

Sick Day

Above, last month in Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park.

Today, I was supposed to be at our monthly supper group's dinner at author/historian Martin Link's today in Gallup. I had to cancel.

But I managed to wake up this morning congested with gunk in my chest and throat with a persistent cough.

I've stayed indoors all day today relaxing with only one trip to the Flying J to pick up some Nyquil and Dayquil. The Dayquil helped me a lot. I am not as congested as I was earlier. 

Hopefully, I will be recovered by tomorrow.  


  1. I wish you a full and speedy recovery. Take it easy and give your body a chance to fight. Lots of fluids! We are lucky to have such medicines to manage our symptoms. I sometimes think of the poor people throughout most of human history that just had to suffer (and sometimes die) without many of the medicines we take for granted.

  2. Thanks! I am feeling better. The Dayquil helped a lot. Drinking lots of fluids. I get these on occasion, could be allergies. I spent the day watching some Ronnie Reagan biography DVDs.
