Sunday, December 18, 2022

A Little Warmer Today

Above, bundled up for yesterday's breakfast gathering at Denny's.

It looks like today will be a tad warmer than yesterday.

Right now, it is 16° outside, which is much warmer (if one can call it that) than yesterday's 3° at around this time. 

Today's high is expected to be 38° according to the National Weather Service.

I did manage to pop the hood of the Jeep yesterday in the garage and noticed that the connector for the air filter came off, which could be the source of the rough-running of the Jeep for the past three days. It was too cold to fix it. My breath vapor was more noticeable inside the garage than outside, it was as if it were colder inside the garage than outside. Maybe it was. It can wait.

We do have a 20% chance of snow showers this afternoon.  

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