Saturday, December 3, 2022

Drive To Joe Milo's Trading Post

Above, the front of Joe Milo's Trading Post. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Yesterday, Mitch Geriminsky and I headed out to Red Rock Park near Gallup to view the Red Rock Balloon Rally ascension that was supposed to take place at 7:30. 

We got there about 7:40 but there were no balloons in the launching field. The only balloons there were packed away at various campsites at the campground next to the field. A number of people were wandering, and wondering, why no balloons were being launched.

Above, Joe Milo's White Water Trading Co. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

We decided to head into Gallup to have breakfast at the Cracker Barrel.

After breakfast, we went to different Gallup trading posts to do some browsing. We eventually ended up going 16 or so miles south of town towards the Zuni Pueblo. I had never been in that area, so it was interesting for me to see what's down there. 

Above, Joe Milo's is ready for Christmas. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

We stopped at Joe Milo's White Water Trading Co. in Vanderwagen, New Mexico. Next to the Hubbell trading post in Ganado, Arizona, Joe Milo's has the most interesting collections of merchandise, including raw turquoise, silver, guns, ammo, art and goods to make jewelry. I ended up buying a dream catcher. I got lucky as it was 50% off the regular price. I've seen Joe Milo's billboards in and around Gallup, but I have never been there until now.

Above, Joe Milo's Trading Co. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Along the road to Joe Milo's, were many ranches of various sizes. It turned out to be a nice area for a drive.

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