Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Extinction Advocates Call For No Children To Save The Planet

The Looney Left Report

The Left is calling on people to not have children in order to save the planet from climate change. These "extinction activists" are essentially calling for extinction of the human race. "To breed or not to breed."

Well, as far as I am concerned, these wackos should lead by example and not breed. The world would be a better place with no more leftist radicals.

From Fox News:

Several media outlets and talking heads have encouraged parents to rethink having children because human beings — even small ones like kids — risk polluting the world and causing global climate destruction.

News and op-ed headlines have come out in unabashed support of having few or even zero children over the years. One example is from NBC News Think in 2017: "Science proves kids are bad for the earth. Morality suggests we stop having them." Another headline from the Guardian that year declared that the answer to saving the planet was simple: "Want to save the planet? Have fewer children." Or as one New York Times writer asked in 2021: "To Breed or Not to Breed?" 

A climate reporter posed a similar question to parents and parents-in-waiting in a Washington Post analysis piece this month: "Should you not have kids because of climate change? It’s complicated." 

To read more, go here

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