Monday, December 19, 2022

Mustang Fixed

Above, some long icicles hanging from the garage. Photo by Armand Vaquer

This morning, I picked up the Mustang from the mechanic's in Gallup. All fixed and running great.

The main culprit with the starting issue turned out to be the wire from the coil to the center plug-in on the distributor. It was badly corroded. The mechanic showed me the wire and it was practically nothing but white powder. It was a wonder the car started at all. The rest of the distributor wires were fine.

Along with getting that fixed, he did a full tune-up. It hadn't been tuned since before I moved to New Mexico, nearly five years ago.

Above, the Mustang after getting it back home. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

On the drive home from Gallup, the Mustang took to Interstate 40 like a champ. It reached 75 mph with no effort. It always did love the open highway even when my dad had it.

After getting home, I had to move the Jeep from the Mustang's space in the garage. I had to reconnect the air filter (which may have been a source of its problems) and add some anti-freeze to the Jeep. The level in the radiator was way down. I'll take it out for a test drive when it gets warmer out.

Although it is about 43° outside, it is still a bit cold and some icicles were hanging from the garage eaves.

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