Sunday, December 11, 2022

Points To Keep In Mind Before Buying Silver

Above, a recent ad from Facebook. 

With inflation decimating the value of our dollars, many people (including me) are turning towards investing in precious metals (i.e., gold and silver).

Since gold is too pricey for me (it is around $1,800 an ounce), I have turned to silver (around $23.60 an ounce) instead.

For those who are new to silver investing, there's a few things to be mindful of and an article from BQ Prime which should be a great help.

They begin with:

Silver has always been a great precious metal to invest your money in. It’s perfect for new investors with limited capital as well as for veterans who simply want to invest in silver. Whatever your reason may be, investing in silver is definitely a wise decision. 

According to the World Silver Survey 2022 published by The Silver Institute, India is currently the world’s third-largest silver physical investment market after the US and Germany. Last year, i.e. in 2021, digital silver and silver ETFs were also launched in India making it an apt time to invest in silver.  

Now, you might be really excited to buy silver and start investing in it, but hold your horses before you make any mistakes. Silver prices are also dynamic in nature, similar to gold prices. It fluctuates depending on the international market. 

Moreover, there are some other factors as well that you need to consider before investing in silver. Let’s take a look at some points you need to keep in mind before investing in silver:

To read more, go here

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