Sunday, December 18, 2022

San Bernardino County Residents Want To Secede From Leftist California

Back in 2017, I visited New Mexico to see what was available in real estate. I ended up buying a two acre ranchette outside of Gallup.

Granted, New Mexico's state government, like Commiefornia's, is also dominated by Democrats, but at least the Democrats outside of the cities (Santa Fe, Albuquerque, etc.) are not of the radical far-left variety.

In September, I visited L.A. for the first time since I moved to New Mexico for a class reunion. The visit drove home to me why I made the right decision in getting out. California has become a cesspool under Democrat rule.

Now, the residents of California's San Bernardino County have voted to study seceding from the state. They've had enough.

From Breitbart:

San Bernardino County residents voted for officials to study the possibility of seceding from California as more grow increasingly tired of the state’s far-left policies.

The county approved the advisory ballot proposal, which was voted upon in November, earlier this week, the Associated Press (AP) reported. San Bernardino’s Board of Supervisors’ next step is likely to form a committee that will study if state and federal public funds were fairly distributed with local governments within the county.

Curt Hagman, the chairman of the Board of Supervisors, says there is “a lot of frustration” that San Bernardino residents have toward the left-wing governing policies of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and the Democrat-controlled state legislature.

Residents in the county, and across the state, pay the highest taxes in the nation while also living under soaring rates of crime, homelessness, and high housing costs.

I wish San Bernardino County good luck in this. But I have my doubts that secession will come to pass. I would be happily surprised if they do secede.

To read more, go here.

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