Thursday, December 22, 2022

Staying Warm In An RV Without Electricity

Above, at Red Rock Park Campground near Gallup, New Mexico. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Only one time I had a problem in keeping warm in my motorhome. That was during an overnight stay at Joshua Tree National Park. I was dry camping with no hookups.

The night got frigid cold and I ran my motorhome's propane heater. That was actually the first time I used it. 

I had plenty of propane, but little did I know, it drew a lot of electricity from the battery and ran it completely down by morning. 

RV Life has an article on how to stay warm in case the RV park's electrical system should suffer a power outage. 

They begin it with:

Spending the winter in your camper can be fun, but you should always be prepared to endure cold weather.

Sure, RV walls offer protection from wind and snow. But drafts and poor insulation can make your vehicle quite chilly. You can run the heater, but unexpected power outages can force you to shut it down. Winter can be dangerous if you’re not properly prepared.

Don’t be a victim of a winter campground power outage. This article explains:

To read more, go here

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