Sunday, December 18, 2022

Traveling With Firearms In Your RV

Above, yours truly with my Winchester 94.

Camping, whether by tent or an RV, with a firearm has been a part of my family ever since I can remember. My grandfathers and my father did and so do I. I guess you may call it a family tradition.

It all boils down to personal protection. Doing so and knowing the applicable laws is important. There is an old proverb: It's better to be judged by twelve than to be carried by six. It is wiser to act decisively and be judged by a jury than to be killed through inaction or being unarmed. Just make sure it's legal for you to do so.

The topic of traveling with firearms in your RV was posted yesterday in RV Life. It is well worth reading. 

They begin with:

Can You Travel With Firearms In Your RV?

Are you at risk of fines or jail time when traveling with firearms? Guns can be a tricky topic; however, it’s essential to talk about so you are informed on the safety and laws of traveling with firearms in a camper.

People have mixed opinions about guns and who and where they should be allowed. We are not going to debate these topics. Instead, let’s discuss RVing with firearms for those who choose to do so.

Firearm ownership and transport come with laws and regulations to ensure the safety of the owners and the general public. For RVers and the context of this article, we will be looking at transport within an RV. Traveling by air with firearms has its own set of laws and regulations we won’t be discussing.

Due to the legal obligations and seriousness of firearm ownership, it must be noted that laws and regulations specific to you, your firearms, and your location must be adhered to. Priority number one for anyone legally traveling with a firearm should be training, certification, and competency in handling and using their firearms.

To read more, go here

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