Tuesday, January 17, 2023

About 8 Inches, We Figure

Above, the ol' homestead this morning. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The sun has been out, off and on, and while it was out, it was still snowing.

This morning, before heading to Denny's at the Flying J with the gang (yes, we brave souls went to coffee and breakfast there), I shoveled the driveway and walkways...twice! I first shoveled before putting the trash container at the road. Then about 15 minutes later, I looked out and it looked like I hadn't done any shoveling at all.

So, I shoveled the walkways again before I was picked up by Greg Lucier. 

At Denny's, it was the general consensus of the group that we received a cumulative 8" of snow since the start of the first storm. Much of it settled, melted or was blown by high winds. There's still about 2" to 3" of it on the ground.

While at the Flying J, we were able to get our mail.

We should be getting about a two-day break from the snowstorms until about Friday.

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