Wednesday, January 11, 2023

All Domestic US Flights Grounded By FAA

All domestic U.S. flights have been grounded due to a "technical" computer error this morning by the Federal Aviation Administration.

According to he Daily Caller:

All domestic flights in the U.S. were grounded Wednesday morning due to a technical error.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is working to restore a system that allows air traffic control to alert pilots when there are potential hazards on their flight path.

“We are performing final validation checks and reloading the system now. Operations across the National Airspace System are affected,” the FAA wrote on Twitter. “We will provide frequent updates as we make progress.”

Roughly an hour after their initial tweet, the FAA sent an update to followers, announcing that the agency had “ordered airlines to pause all domestic departures until 9am Eastern Time,” to allow for research to be done on the “integrity of flight and safety information.”

To read more, go here

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