Monday, January 16, 2023

Congressman: Huge Government Cover-Up On UFOs

Above, the famous front page of the Roswell Daily Record of July 8, 1947.

The government has been covering up UFO sightings since the Roswell Incident of July 1947. That's what a Tennessee Republican lawmaker stated. He wants the government to release everything as  "America is ready." He also said there's a UFO reference in the bible.

Above, a display at the Roswell International UFO Museum. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

An article on the cover-up of UFOs appeared on AOL News today. The story originated at HuffPost.

It begins with:

A Republican lawmaker is accusing the government of a cover-up on UFOs, days after a declassified report revealed hundreds of new encounters with what the military now prefers to call unidentified aerial phenomenon.

“This thing is a huge cover-up, for whatever reason,” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) told NewsNation over the weekend. “And I just feel like America is ready, we need to know, and to stop with all the shenanigans.”

Burchett, who also said there’s a reference to a UFO in the Bible, said recent UFO footage shows the objects making the kinds of maneuvers that no human could withstand.

“If you were human and make the turns that have been seen in some of this footage, you would literally turn into a ketchup package,” he said. “I mean, you would be gone.”

To read more, go here

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