Saturday, January 28, 2023

Democrats Know The Real Purpose Of The Second Amendment...

...and That's Why They Are So Afraid of It.

Radical Democrats from the state level to the federal level are trying to destroy our Second Amendment rights. They would be successful if we didn't have people who are resisting them and the Supreme Court.

They are trying to consolidate power at all levels. They would love to turn all states and federal government into California, where one-party rule is the order of the day (just like China, North Korea and Cuba).

Michele Gama Sosa has an excellent opinion piece at the Daily Caller that states that Democrats know the real purpose of the Second Amendment and why they are so afraid of it (like Dracula fears the cross).

Here's a snippet:
Our politicians fear the power the Second Amendment gives American citizens. If they didn’t fear the potential of armed Americans standing up for themselves when all peaceful options are exhausted and there’s nothing to lose, they wouldn’t be doing their absolute damndest to take the guns – even emotionally blackmailing Americans with stories of dead children for which law-abiding gun owners bear no responsibility.  

Instead of pussyfooting around the true purpose of the Second Amendment with stale references to hunting and self-defense against criminals (which is still very important), it’s time to bluntly remind politicians in both parties that the Second Amendment is first and foremost a protection against people like them. Not against the vague concept of a tyrannical government, but real, corrupt, power-hungry officials who never saw a limit they wouldn’t overstep.

The article is a good read. So pass it around to your family and friends.

To read the full article, go here

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