Monday, January 16, 2023

Elite’s Obsession With Achieving Total Financial Control

The government would love nothing more than to control everything we say and do. That also includes how we spend our own money and where we do.

We've seen how under government pressure Obama's "Operation Choke Point" pressured banks into  closing accounts and/or reducing services to lawful businesses including firearms dealers, payday lenders, coin dealers and businesses in other targeted industries.

From American Banker:

Operation Choke Point was real, and it exceeded legal limits. Overwhelming evidence, in the form of more than 900 pages of newly unsealed emails and depositions, proves government officials illegally targeted lawful businesses in an ideological crusade based on personal disdain.

Operation Choke Point was ended by President Trump, but His Fraudulency is trying to bring it back.

The elites, as Money Metals Exchange points out, have an obsession of achieving total financial control of everyone's money. This is a direct attack on liberty, pure and simple.

They begin with:

Federal bureaucrats use proxies to stifle all kinds of activities they don’t like. The “Twitter Files” are revealing this tactic to a new wave of Americans, but it has been around a long time.

The bureaucratic assault on the First Amendment is part of a larger movement to end personal liberty. The ultimate goal may be to assume financial control over the populace through implementation of a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

If officials can replace the existing currencies with digital, programmable money, they will claim the power to dictate if, when, and where individuals can spend money as well as what they can spend it on.

Those who question whether forces inside the federal government are actually pursuing such power may wish to review recent history around the Federal Reserve note "dollar."

To read more, go here

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