Friday, January 20, 2023

Had To Go Out Into The Snow

Above, a shot of the house as I was fetching the trash container. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

As we won't get out trash picked up for this week until (at best) next Tuesday, I went out and trudged in the snow to bring the trash container back up to the house.

The trash company normally picks up on Tuesdays, but it was postponed to Wednesday due to snow. Then, they cancelled the pick up for Wednesday due to even more snow.

It was an effort to bring the container back to the house in six inches of snow. Then, I took out the trash from the house. I also had to change Sierra's litter box and take that out. During all this, it was snowing out. We already have an inch from today's storm.

Right now, I am winded (I also live at 7,000 feet). 

Well, I got it all done. 

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