Friday, January 27, 2023

How Dictatorships Used Gun Control

If one wonders why Second Amendment supporters are so adamant in protecting our right to keep and bear arms, they should take a look at a new article at AmmoLand on how dictators used gun control throughout history against their citizens. 

They start it with:

USA – -( Mao Zedong once said, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”

Which is why he made sure no one in China could access that political power. Throughout history and well into the modern world, gun control legislation heralded the death of democracies. Usually, it preceded an attempt by the government to take full control of people’s lives. Weapon bans frequently led to human rights abuses, including massacres and sometimes outright genocide.

According to a 2022 Gallup poll, 66 percent of Americans surveyed support stricter gun laws and a sizeable minority advocate for a total gun ban. Most of these people base their opinions on recent tragic events like mass shootings and high crime rates involving firearms and refuse to believe the government would ever do anything to take away their rights.

It’s almost as if they don’t remember the lockdown. Granted, it was for the sake of public health ….in the beginning. Still, once the United States government began restricting travel and requiring the entire population to take a COVID vaccine designed in just a couple of days, as was the case with Moderna, many Americans began to view this as an abuse of government authority, especially when some who took the “life-saving” vaccine died from COVID anyway.

A government gets away with whatever its people allow. A recent attempt to ban semi-automatic firearms across the state of Illinois was met with widespread resistance. 88 percent of the state’s counties refuse to enforce the governor’s mandate, and they can because of the Second Amendment. Additionally, sheriffs work for their communities, not for the state.

Unfortunately, this has not always been the case. Many historical and current dictatorships had their start when they stripped firearms from their citizens and robbed them of their right to rebel against injustice.

To read more, go here.

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