Monday, January 23, 2023

Kinkakuji Admission Fees To Be Raised In April

Above, Kinkakuji "Golden Pavilion" in Kyoto, Japan. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The last time admission fees were raised for the Kinkakuji "Golden Pavilion" in Kyoto, Japan was in 1993. The first time I visited it was in 2004 with G-TOUR. I was last there in 2015.

This coming April, admission fees will be raised.

According to The Japan News (Yomiuri Shimbun): 

KYOTO (Jiji Press) — Kinkakuji, an iconic temple in the western Japan city of Kyoto, will raise admission fees for the first time in 30 years in April, as it is struggling with higher maintenance costs and a drop in the number of visitors due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The temple, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, will raise the admission fee for adults and high school students to ¥500 from ¥400 on April 1.

“It was a tough decision made to protect (the temple) forever,” a Kinkakuji official said of the fee increase. “We have a mission to keep Kinkakuji beautiful for good and want visitors to view (the temple) in good condition,” the official said.

Ryoanji, another Kyoto temple on the UNESCO heritage list, will increase the admission fee for adults by ¥100 to ¥600 on April 1. The temple, known for its rock garden, has been visited by a number of dignitaries including the late British Queen Elizabeth II.

To read more, go here

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