Wednesday, January 18, 2023

NMSSA: Zac Fort On The 2023 Legislative Session


The 2023 New Mexico Legislative Session officially started today, and the Governor wasted no time in going after our rights. In her State of the State Speech, Lujan Grisham spoke of three anti-gun proposals. First, she endorsed a ban on semiautomatic rifles. The bill that has been filed so far would ban possession of the rifles by civilians all together. Second, she wanted to see legislation to make it easier to sue firearms manufacturers in New Mexico. This is in direct contradiction to the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) which has been upheld many times in court before. Third, she somewhat quixotically wanted to close the "straw purchase" loophole in state law. Straw purchases, as defined in Federal Law, are already a crime, so we will watch this closely to see what comes out of it.

Here is a quick summary of the bills that have been introduced thus far.

HB9 would increase penalties for gun owners if their gun was accessed by a minor and someone was injured.

HB50 would make it a felony to possess a magazine that holds more than 9 rounds.

HB72 would make it felony to possess a bump stock, binary trigger, or anything else that "increased the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm."

HB100 would put into place a 14 day waiting period for firearm purchases from a FFL.

HB101 would make it a felony to possess a semiautomatic rifle, some semiautomatic pistols and shotguns as well as a magazine that holds more than 9 rounds.

We are still expecting more bills to be filed. This is the most consequential session for gun owners in the history of our state. The bills that have been filed would require you to surrender your guns, magazines and accessories to the state, destroy them or face potential jail time.

We need every gun owner in the state to get involved. Working with our partners at Better Together NM, we put together this form that easily enables you to email your state representative and senator and tell them to oppose these five bills.

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