Friday, January 20, 2023

People Should Drink Less Coffee To Combat Climate Change

With each passing minute (not just each passing day), the world is getting more wacko.

The latest is that a Canadian "study" has found that people should drink less coffee to combat climate change.

From the New York Post:

Canadian researchers analyzed coffee’s “contribution to climate change” in a piece published in early January and suggested people moderate their consumption of the popular drink as a part of the solution.

Researchers Luciano Rodrigues Viana, Charles Marty, Jean-François Boucher and Pierre-Luc Dessureault wrote in an analysis published in The Conversation that pollution from preparing coffee was “just the tip of the iceberg.”

“Limiting your contribution to climate change requires an adapted diet, and coffee is no exception. Choosing a mode of coffee preparation that emits less GHGs (greenhouse gases) and moderating your consumption are part of the solution,” the researchers at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi wrote. 

The study also found that using coffee pods to brew coffee contributed less to the carbon footprint than brewing coffee with a traditional filter. 

To read more, pour yourself a cup and go here

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