Friday, January 27, 2023

RV Newbies: 4 Embarrassing Things

Above, at a KOA Kampground in West Yellowstone, Montana. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Experience in things often come at a price. People doing new (to them) things are learning experiences. 

That goes especially for newbie RVers. Newbies make mistakes all the time. That even goes for me.

When I first got The Beast, we were about to leave the campground to go into West Yellowstone for dinner. As we were starting to drive out, a neighboring camper flagged us down telling us the awning was still deployed. Oops! We rolled it up and left without further incident. This was my first time using an RV awning.

I've never made that goof again. Check and double-check!

That's a topic of an article in RV Life. It is on four embarrassing things we did as new RVers.

They begin it with:

Being a new RV owner comes with lots of good memories and some you would probably prefer to forget.

There are many new things to learn and firsts for new RVers. It can be overwhelming for the first few trips, and unfortunately, things can and will happen. Many of these mishaps are simply a result of being inexperienced and will happen to the best of us.

These beginner mistakes generally only damage our pride, with the exception of some dents and scratches. As long as nobody gets hurt and it doesn’t cause major damage, these embarrassing things are learning experiences and often humorous to look back on.

One thing all RV owners share in common is, that at one point, they were all first-timers. It’s easy to watch a situation unfold or see a picture and wonder how did this happen as an experienced RVer. However, for someone just beginning the RV journey and doing many things for the first time, these silly mistakes are a right of passage in a way.

I think he meant rite of passage

To read more, go here.

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