Thursday, January 5, 2023

Stuck In Traffic

Above, looking east near Coolidge. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After checking my mailbox at the Flying J, I decided to go do some grocery shopping in Thoreau.

Unfortunately, it took me over and hour and a half to go the 15 miles to Thoreau. Eastbound Interstate 40 ground to a halt at the construction area at the Coolidge off-ramp. It seems that a large pothole formed in the single lane that was open. So the New Mexico Department of Transportation stopped all traffic so that repairs could be made.

Above, looking west. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

They did do a temporary fix last night, but that came apart today. We sat stopped for an hour and a half for the repairs could be done. 

Luckily for me, I wasn't too far from the beginning of the stoppage as traffic was jammed all the way to Gallup. When we got the go-ahead to proceed at 1:45, I was able to get going and out of the area in no time.

After doing my shopping and was headed back home, I saw a line of traffic as long as the eye can see in the eastbound lanes.

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