Monday, January 30, 2023

The Hill: 10 Reasons To Take UFOs Seriously

Above, an alien autopsy display at the Roswell International UFO Museum. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

For years, official Washington purportedly did not take UFOs (or flying saucers) very seriously. They even scoffed at the Roswell Incident of July 1947.

That turned out to be not the case as recent reports indicate that UFOs were (and are) taken very seriously and are considered possible national security threats.

An opinion piece was posted January 19 at The Hill giving 10 reasons why UFOs should be taken seriously.

It begins with:

In recent years, military aviators frequently encountered mysterious objects in tightly controlled training airspace. According to eyewitness accounts and leaked sensor data, the craft appeared to exhibit flight dynamics that bent – if not shattered – the laws of physics. In the most notable incidents, objects appeared to maneuver and move through the air without wings or discernible means of propulsion.

The years since these encounters became public have seen numerous developments that should prompt us to take UFOs seriously.  

To read more, go here

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