Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Joker Becomes Pregnant

Above, Batman and Joker of the Golden Age of comic books.

I don't know what's going on with DC Comics these past few years, but they've definitely gone bizarre. But they've gone even further, as a new graphic Batman novel featuring the Joker indicates. "Grotesque" is the operative word.

From Fox News:

The latest chapter in the Joker’s nefarious story arc may be the DC Comics arch villain's most unusual yet: He becomes pregnant.

In the latest issue of DC Comics’ series, "The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing," Batman’s nemesis actually carries and gives birth to a child. 

If that sounds strange, that’s the way the graphic novel company intended it. On its website, DC Comics advertised the issue as containing Joker’s "most bizarre caper yet."

Readers may be tempted to think this is part of DC’s attempt to do some woke, LGBTQ-inclusive storytelling with The Joker being a transgender man undergoing a typical pregnancy, though it’s not quite that simple.

In this volume, created by Matthew Rosenberg and Carmine Di Giandomenico, the "Clown prince of Crime" becomes pregnant by some unnatural curse and gives birth in a vomit-inducing way, literally. 

Reaction on social media has been intense:

DC has already screwed up Superman, so I guess it's Batman's turn starting with this.

If you want to read more, go here. (If you dare.) 

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