Saturday, January 28, 2023

Who To Use For Japan Flight Tickets?

Above, a Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 being readied for a flight to Japan. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Someone asked the question, What is the cheapest airline for flying in and out of Tokyo? over at The Independent (U.K.). Since I am not a subscriber, I could not read the article.

But it did remind me that I got my best airline ticket deals at GatewayLAX, a flight booking company. I used them for several of my trips to Japan (and for some domestic flights). The last time I used them was for my October 2015 trip to Japan.

Some examples from years ago:

Now it seems that they are out of business. The link to them I have is no longer viable and there is no trace of them through Google. 

If I were to travel to Japan in the future (I just renewed my U.S. Passport), I would likely go through Expedia, Priceline or Kayak. I have used Expedia and Priceline, but haven't tried Kayak. 

Some say going directly through an airline's ticketing sites are the best ways to getting good deals. Maybe so. I haven't tried it before. 

We'll have to wait and see what the future unfolds.

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