Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Bump Stock and Binary Trigger Ban To Be Heard Friday

 From Zac Fort of the NMSSA:

On Friday, February 3rd, HB72, the proposed ban on bump stocks, binary triggers, and anything else that "increases the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm," will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee. The committee will be meet starting at 1:30pm in room 309 (Zoom Link). This bill would make it a felony to possess a bump stock or binary trigger. But the language of the bill is so broad, it could make it a felony to own a rubber-band. The bill even includes a $1.5 million appropriation to "carry out the provisions of this act." At the bottom of this email is the contact info for the members of the House Judiciary Committee.

Tomorrow, February 1st, SB44, the ban on carrying firearms within 100ft of a polling station while voting is taking place will be heard in the Senate Rules Committee. The ban would apply to both open and concealed carry. The meeting will be in room 321 at 9:00am (Zoom Link). The committee schedule was only released this evening.

Another bill we are watching was filed yesterday. HB238 would make it a felony to "discharge a firearm in a densely populated area." However, the bill makes no provisions for indoor shooting ranges within cities, nor does it make any provisions for an act of self-defense. The bill does not define a "densely populated area."

HB9, the gun owner liability bill, could be heard on the floor of the house any day now. Working with our partners at Better Together NM, we put together this easy tool to help you contact your state representative to tell them to OPPOSE HB9 - it takes less than a minute of your time.

House Judiciary Committee

Representative Christine Chandler - (D) 505-986-4411

Representative Andrea Romero - (D) 505-986-4243

Representative William "Bill" R. Rehm - (R) 505-986-4214

Representative Eliseo Lee Alcon - (D) 505-986-4416

Representative Gail Chasey - (D) 505-986-4777

Representative T. Ryan Lane - (R) RYAN@LANEFORLIBERTY.COM 505-986-4758

Representative Javier Martínez - (D) 505-986-4782

Representative Matthew McQueen - (D) 505-986-4423

Representative Greg Nibert - (R) 505-986-4211

Representative Andrea Reeb - (R) 505-986-4215

Representative Reena Szczepanski - (D) 505-986-4777

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