Monday, February 13, 2023

General Won't Rule Out Aliens In UFO Shoot-Downs

Above, an alien figure at a Roswell RV park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Ever since a Chinese spy balloon appeared in U.S. airspace last week, there's been a spate of "objects" (or UFOs) being shot down by U.S. aircraft.

The latest was yesterday when an "object" was shot down over Lake Huron. The military won't classify it as a balloon. Also, the Pentagon wouldn't rule out if aliens were involved.

According to Time

A U.S. fighter jet shot down a high-flying object above Lake Huron Sunday after it flew near a sensitive military site, the Pentagon said.

The shoot-down, which came on President Joe Biden’s order, is the latest in an unusual series of aerial incidents that began last week when a suspected Chinese spy balloon traversed the continental United States.

At 2:42 p.m. Eastern time, an F-16 launched a heat-seeking AIM-9X missile at an unidentified “object” flying at around 20,000 ft. above the Great Lake. It was the fourth time in eight days that the American military has been called upon to destroy a mysterious craft in midair, including three in the last three days.

Other than the first balloon, which China has acknowledged was theirs, the Pentagon doesn’t yet know what the objects are or where they came from. Asked directly, a senior military official did not rule out the possibility that their provenance could be extraterrestrial.

“I’ll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out,” General Glen VanHerck, commander of U.S. Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) told reporters late Sunday.

“I haven’t ruled out anything,” VanHerck said when asked if aliens could be involved. “At this point, we continue to assess every threat or potential threat unknown that approaches North America with an attempt to identify it.”

To read more, go here

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