Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Jack Larson's 95th Birthday

Above, Jack Larson and George Reeves.

Today would have been the 95th birthday of Jack Larson, who played Jimmy Olsen in the Adventures of Superman television show of the 1950s. 

He was born on February 8, 1928 in Los Angeles. He passed away on September 20, 2015.

It is interesting to me that he was a few months older than my dad, who passed away in 1999. He, too, would have turned 95 this year. 

Above, Supervisor Mike Antonovich and Jack Larson at the "Superman Week"
ceremony on July 10, 2001. Photo courtesy of the office of Supervisor Antonovich.

The last time I saw Jack Larson was on August 16, 2014 at the Adventures of Superman plaque dedication in Tarzana, California and the luncheon that followed in Studio City. He seemed in good health for his age that day.

The Los Angeles Daily News published an article on the plaque dedication and Larson and I wound up in an accompanying photo in the print edition (below).

Happy 95th birthday, Jack!

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