Monday, February 20, 2023

NMSSA Legislative Update 2/19/23

On Friday the 17th, the House Judiciary Committee heard both HB100, the 14-day waiting period bill, and HB101, the ban on the sale of semiautomatic rifles and registration of currently owned ones. HB100 was passed out of the committee on a party-line vote of 6-4, it now heads to the House Floor. There was a second committee substitute for HB101, after the first one in House Consumer and Public Affairs. Public testimony was heard on the bill, but it wasn't voted on at Friday's meeting - so it is still in the House Judiciary Committee. The new version has yet to be made available to the public.

On the Senate side, SB44, the ban of carrying firearms within 100ft of a polling place, both open and concealed, passed the Senate floor on a 28-9 vote. Two Republicans joined all Democrats present in voting for the bill. Here is how your State Senator voted (or did not vote). The bill now heads to the House Government, Elections & Indian Affairs Committee.

Right before the filing deadline, two more anti-gun bills were filed. SB427 is another version of a 14 day waiting period. The bill has the same aim, but it uses different language to accomplish it. Also, SB428, a bill targeting firearm retailers and manufacturers was filed. The bill is an attempt to circumvent the Federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act through New Mexico's Unfair Practices Act. The bill would try make it easier to sue a firearm manufacturer or retailer in New Mexico. Both bills are in the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee.

We are now more than halfway through with the session, if you have followed sessions before, you know that the pace and intensity picks up significantly in the second half. Right now, there are no anti-gun bills scheduled for committee hearings, but that can change very quickly and several bills could be heard this week. We encourage you to contact committees and your legislators today to ask them to oppose bad bills.

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