Sunday, February 5, 2023

NMSSA Legislative Update 2/4/23


On Friday, February 3rd, two gun bills were heard in committees. SB44, the polling place gun ban, was passed out of Senate Judiciary on a party-line vote. That bill now heads to the Senate Floor. In the House Judiciary CommitteeHB72, the proposed ban on bump stocks and binary triggers was held back by the committee so a committee substitute could be made. This means the committee will substantially rewrite the bill and hear the new bill at a future date. We will send an update as soon as we have a copy of the new bill and when it will be heard. Below is the status of the bills we are tracking that have scheduled hearings or pending votes on the floor.

House Floor
HB9 - The firearm owner liability bill where you could be criminally charged for someone else's actions with your gun. You can use this link to send a pre-drafted letter to your state representative asking them to oppose the bill.

Senate Floor
SB44 - This bill will ban carrying a firearm within 100ft of a polling station. The ban applies to both open and concealed carry. You can find your state senator at this link to tell them to oppose SB44.

Senate Heath and Public Affairs Committee, Monday February 6th, 1:30pm Room 311 (Zoom Link)
SB171 - This bill would make it a felony to purchase or transfer a suppressor, AR pistol or AK pistol, NFA firearms, incendiary ammunition or "coated" ammunition. You can use this link to send a pre-drafted letter to members of the committee.

House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee, Tuesday February 7th, 1:30pm Room 317 ( Zoom Link)
HB50 - This bill would make it a felony to possess or purchase a magazine that holds more than 9 rounds. There is no grandfather clause, you would have to turn in your magazines or go to jail. You can use this link to send a pre-drafted letter to members of the committee.
HB100 - This bill would impose a 14 day waiting period to purchase a gun. After filling out the form 4473, you would have to wait two weeks to take the gun home. You can use this link to send a pre-drafted letter to members of the committee.
HB101 - This bill would make it a felony to possess or purchase a semiautomatic rifle, a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds, or a firearm with a fixed magazine that holds more than 10 rounds. There is no grandfather clause, you would have to turn in your guns and magazines or go to jail. You can use this link to send a pre-drafted letter to members of the committee.
HB164 - This is the one bill on this list we support, it would allow New Mexicans to concealed carry without a permit.

House Consumer and Public Affairs Members
Joanne J. Ferrary - (D) 505-986-4844
Angelica Rubio - (D) 505-986-4210
John Block - (R) 505-986-4220
Stefani Lord - (R) 505-986-4453
Andrea Romero - (D) 505-986-4243
Liz Thomson - (D) 505-986-4425

Senate Health and Public Affairs Members
Gerald Ortiz y Pino - (D) 505-986-4482
Bill Tallman - (D) 505-986-4373
Gregg Schmedes - (R) 505-986-4395
David M. Gallegos - (R) 505-986-4278
Martin Hickey - (D) 505-986-4513
Stuart Ingle - (R) 505-986-4702
Antonio Maestas - (D) 505-986-4726
Brenda G. McKenna - (D)  505-986-4301
Antoinette Sedillo Lopez - (D) 505-986-4389

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