Sunday, February 12, 2023

No Coffee Gatherings This Week

Above, at Grandpa's Grill in November. Greg is the one with the big white beard to my left.

It looks like I'll have to stay isolated this week.

After getting back home last evening after we had Chinese food in Gallup, Russell Azbill fell and Greg Lucier called me for assistance to get him back on his feet.

After making a couple of calls to other friends for assistance, I got to Russell's and several neighbors were there already and he was back on his feet. Greg was there as well.

He had been under the weather this weekend due to a "cold", but as it turned out, he has COVID. He was white as a sheet. I don't think I've ever seen anyone so white. I didn't know this when I got there, but found out while there. I don't think I got any closer than a couple of feet of him. I was wearing my gloves, fortunately.

So, as a precaution, we are not going to have our coffees this week. I don't think I was exposed to the virus, but you never know. I think Russell and Greg made contact, but I am not certain. I asked Greg if he knew where he got it. He said he doesn't know.

At least I already had my vaccinations. Hopefully, they will be doing some good.

Greg's brother Larry has a greater chance of exposure to the virus since he lives at Greg's. He was already vaccinated as well.

Well, isn't this just ducky?

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