Sunday, February 26, 2023

Photos and VIdeos In National Parks May Require Permits

Above, the entrance sign to Mesa Verde National Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

These are weird times we're living in.

Suppose you go to Grand Canyon National Park on vacation and shoot videos or still photographs of your visit and post them on YouTube or some other social media that's monetized, you could be busted by the National Park Service and fined for not obtaining a permit to do so.

Sounds bizarre, right?

RV Travel posted an article stating that this is the case.

They start it out with:

Do you film videos for your YouTube, TikTok, or other social media site? If you shoot video on property managed by the National Park Service and your site is monetized, look out! Ditto for still photos that you end up posting. A recent court ruling says anyone who has the “intent of generating income” from video shot in national parks—and other lands managed by the Service—must receive advanced permission to do so. Shoot without a permit and post it, you may find yourself in the crosshairs of the law.

"The simple act of photographing or videotaping a funny animal in, for example,Yellowstone, and then posting it online may once again be illegal just because a permit was not obtained beforehand."

To read more, go here

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