Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Record Number of Guns Seized At Airports

Long before the creation of the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) by the federal government in the aftermath of September 11, I would occasionally pack a pistol in my luggage.

Those were the days when one could check in their locked luggage at the airport. Now, one cannot check in their locked luggage. It has to be unlocked.

One can still fly with their gun in their checked luggage, but the rules are a little complex. I don't even bother traveling by air with a gun anymore. It's just not worth the hassle.

The New York Post has an article on the record number of guns seized by the TSA. People not following the rules will be fined and have their firearms confiscated.

The article begins with:

US flyers were caught packing heat at record levels last year, the Transportation Security Administration said Monday.

TSA agents seized 6,542 guns, almost all of which were loaded, at the nation’s airports in 2022, an average of 18 a day — the highest ever recorded, the agency said.

“What we see in our checkpoints really reflects what we’re seeing in society, and in society, there are more people carrying firearms nowadays,” TSA Administrator David Pekoske said.

But Pekoske insisted that the figures are no indication of a potential spike in would-be hijackings or terrorism. The bulk of the gun-toting travelers appeared to simply forget they had a gun, he said.

The number of guns intercepted at US airports has risen every year since 2010, except for the pandemic-tainted year of 2020, when air travel dipped, the agency said. Last year’s gun grab was about a 10 percent increase over the record-setting year before.

To read more, go here.

To fly with a firearm and ammo, the TSA has a webpage with the procedures. To view it, go here.

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