Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Strong To Damaging Winds Today

Above, the deck this morning. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

According to the Albuquerque bureau of the National Weather Service, the storm we have now will be winding down this morning, but the second storm (said to be colder) will be arriving later today.

They posted the following on Facebook:

Our snow accumulation graphics are separated into 2 graphics as 2 storm systems will be impacting northern & central NM.

Snow with the 1st storm will decrease Tuesday morning.

New areas of snow arrive into northwest NM late Tuesday, spreading eastward through Wednesday. 

Concerning the wind, they posted:

While snow will be winding down temporarily Tuesday morning, STRONG to DAMAGING winds will scream into New Mexico!

Expect the highest gusts of 55 to 65 mph over central high terrain areas stretching eastward across the east central plains. 

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