Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Snow's Here!

Above, just after the snow started. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The snow has arrived.

I was going to go to the post office at 8:30 before they start, but they arrived about 8:10. So there goes that plan.

For a while, the snow was falling pretty hard and accompanied by strong winds. So it looks like I'll make like a hermit and stay indoors.

Some areas are already getting hit pretty hard. One Facebook poster posted this an hour ago:

I-40 east bound coming from Winslow (i-40 closed to Flagstaff AZ road is pretty much dead up to Lupton AZ/NM Stateline) Manuelito NM Blizzard 0 visibility, Gallup NM starting to see the snow, very very high winds.  Snow plows are ready and waiting.

Storm of the Century is rolling in, stay safe and warm.

7:23 AM Stateline AZ/NM Lupton

7:30 AM Manuelito, NM

8:00 AM Gallup, NM

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