Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Video: "Do I Regret Leaving California?"

Above, at Redondo Beach's King Harbor fish market last September. Photo by Mitch Geriminsky.

Last September, I visited L.A. for the first time in the five years since I moved to New Mexico. I was there for a high school class reunion in El Segundo. 

While I had a good time seeing many classmates at the reunion and elsewhere, I noticed how things have deteriorated in the five years since I moved. Crime is rampant, freeways and streets are clogged and gasoline is sky-high. 

The drive from the San Fernando Valley to El Segundo took almost two hours in bumper-to-bumper traffic. My anxiety level went up. I found that I can no longer tolerate such driving conditions. It used to be a "piece of cake", only because I was used to it back when I lived there. Living in New Mexico, the joy to take a ride returned.

By the time my visit was over, I couldn't wait to get back to Jamestown, New Mexico. 

I first saw the following video, "Do I Regret Leaving California?" at Gary Julian's The People's Republic blog. The girl speaking in the video visited L.A. for the first time since moving to Prescott, Arizona and her experience echoed mine. 

If one is contemplating moving the hell out of Commiefornia, a viewing of this video can be useful.

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