Saturday, March 25, 2023

11 Unique Landmarks In Colorado

Above, Mesa Verde National Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Living where I do in northwestern New Mexico outside of Gallup is handy for making trips into surrounding states that make up the Four Corners.

The following states are within a day's drive: Arizona, Colorado and Utah.

Colorado has been (seemingly) more of a focus these past couple of years as I have been there several times for camping and recreation. 

There are a number of landmarks within Colorado that TheTravel feels that one "needs" to see. They posted an article listing eleven of them.

They begin with:

Many ask why Colorado is so popular. To those people, this is because the state is endowed with so many things people love to see. Colorado has mountains, rivers, museums, forests, wildlife, and many more interesting things. But besides all these, the state also has some pretty unique landmarks most of which are historic, scenic, and adventurous. For those visiting Colorado next, here are 10 of the most unique landmarks in the state you should make out time to visit.

To see what they are, go here

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